I’m a 100kg guy. I’m not proud of it, but it’s been the story of my life since I was a kid. I was always the biggest one in my group of friends, and I knew it made me stand out in a bad way.
I was always conscious of how I looked, and I was desperate to do something about it.
I decided to start a diet, and I wanted to impress my girlfriend by showing her my dedication to it.
I proudly told her that I was going to start a diet, and I was determined to stick to it.
I was so determined, in fact, that I even made a promise to her that I would lose 5kg in the next month.
But the problem was, I had no idea what kind of diet I should go on. I was so overwhelmed with all of the options out there, and I didn’t know where to start. I was too embarrassed to go to a dietitian, and I was starting to get frustrated with myself.
Then, one day, I had an idea. I was in the grocery store and saw a bottle of Diet Coke.
It was the perfect solution! I thought that I could just drink Diet Coke instead of regular soda and that would be enough to help me lose weight.
So, I bought the Diet Coke and went home with my new plan. I was determined to stick to it, and I was sure that it would work.
A month later, I was shocked when I stepped on the scale and saw that I had actually gained another 3kgs.
I was so disappointed with myself and my plan. I had completely failed to keep my promise to my girlfriend, and I was embarrassed.
Can someone please motivate me to start exercising and also to start eating a proper diet?