An e-vaporiser network which operated on messaging platform Telegram was raided by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) and it resulted in an overall haul of $200,000 worth of products.
A 24 hour operation was conducted on 6 Jan at various places in Singapore such as the residences of the distributors, peddlers, a hotel in Geylang and addresses at Yishun and Serangoon.
Telegram ran operations
The vape distributors ran their network on Telegram, which is an application that keeps the identities of the users anonymous.
Sale of the vape products were prospected through Telegram.
Currently, two men and a woman are assisting the authorities in investigations.
One of the two men is also allegedly involved in drug related operations and was handed over to Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) to assist in their investigations.
Law governing E-vaporisers
Under Singapore’s Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act, importing, distributing, selling and offering of sales of imitation tobacco products such as E-vaporisers are prohibited.
People convicted under this act are liable to a fine of up to $10,000 and/or jailed up to six months for the first conviction,
For second and subsequent convictions, the penalties increases to a fine of up to $20,000 and/or jailed up to 12 months.
On top of that, all the prohibited items will be confiscated.
HSA statement
HSA also mentioned that they have been closely monitoring networks which participate in the sale of e-vaporisers on applications such as Telegram and WeChat and will continue to do so.
Offenders usually use Telegram and WeChat to avoid getting into trouble with the law.
They urge members of the public with information of such activities to report it to HSA’s Tobacco Regulation Branch or online at
Image source: Health Sciences Authority