In a heartbreaking incident that unfolded on September 7, 2023, a 33-year-old Singaporean driver found himself entangled in a fatal collision with a motorbike in Malaysia.
The accident took place along the Sua Betong-Air Kuning Road, near Port Dickson, Malaysia, at approximately 1:30 pm, resulting in the tragic demise of a 4-year-old local boy who was riding pillion on the motorbike.
Fatal accident
The ill-fated collision occurred on a seemingly routine afternoon as the 33-year-old Singaporean man was behind the wheel of his yellow coloured Mercedes that is registered in Singapore.
Simultaneously, a father-son duo was riding a red-and-white motorbike on their way from the Air Kuning area to Ladang Sua Betong.
The 26-year-old father, a technician by profession, had just picked up his 4-year-old son, Muhammad Shaheizy Iman Muhammad Shazrein, from kindergarten and were heading home at the time of the accident.
The collision unfolded as the motorbike attempted to make a right turn towards Ladang Sua Betong while the Mercedes continued moving forward.
Tragically, both vehicles collided, with the Mercedes allegedly striking the right side of the motorbike. The collision was captured in a video that has since been circulating online, showcasing the severity of the impact.
Warning: The following content contains graphic images and videos of the collision. Viewer discretion is advised.
Budak empat tahun maut, bapa parah motosikal dilanggar pemandu Singapura.
— MYNEWSHUB (@mynewshub) September 8, 2023
PORT DICKSON | Seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berusia empat tahun yang baru pulang dari tadika maut selepas motosikal dibonceng bersama bapanya terlibat dalam kemalangan dengan sebuah kereta Mercedes di…
The Aftermath
The immediate aftermath of the accident was nothing short of a nightmare. The impact of the collision left the motorbike without its front mudguard and front wheel. The Mercedes, too, bore the brunt of the collision, with its back bumper sustaining significant damage.
Both the father and his 4-year-old son were rushed to the Port Dickson Hospital, hoping for a miraculous recovery. Sadly, young Muhammad Shaheizy Iman Muhammad Shazrein succumbed to his injuries and died.
The father, on the other hand, suffered a broken shoulder and right leg. Astonishingly, the Singaporean driver emerged from the ordeal unscathed physically.
In the wake of this tragic incident, the Singaporean driver was taken into custody for three days starting from September 8, 2023, as authorities initiated investigations into the collision.
Malaysian authorities are earnestly appealing to eyewitnesses to come forward and provide any crucial information that might shed light on the circumstances surrounding this heart-wrenching event.
Images source: Kosmo and @mynewshub on Twitter