A 35-year-old man shared how he cheated on his wife of 9 years with a woman from Vietnam and is feeling guilty.
Here is the story:
“I’m 35m, very rich because of investments, and quite good looking with a Hoyas’s gym bod, I know my wife since 17, and have already been married for 9 years with a beautiful 3 years old daughter.
As usual we men do go outside and have some fun and anyhow sleep around (women who think your husband doesn’t… I tell you, if he’s not a loser, he definitely does…),
anyway… I have never fallen in love with any of the flings, up until this year, I met this extremely pretty 21f who’s here from Vietnam on work pass, and we both totally hit it off and fell in love,
I mean… how is it possible to talk for 15 hours on end? And she has so many suitors too, but from my CSI, she also didn’t want to have a relationship since her last boyfriend 3 years ago,
Anyway… Even my intimate life is a daily thing now? Compared to once a week in the past, everything feels so magical…
anyway I admitted to my wife because I don’t want to lie to her, but it’s tragic that I have a daughter and she doesn’t want a divorce, I know it sounds selfish and I get scrutinized because of the social construct of marriage.. but I dare say I am 1000x now more happy that I was in the past,
I’m still guilty to my wife, and I keep giving her money and assets throughout these months. Easily a few million already,
Can advise me on how to overcome this guilt? Because sometimes it just kills me inside, I know I can’t go back to her, because I would be unhappy.
But I still love her, just not in a romance way anymore, I can’t be there for her physically anymore, but emotionally and financially I’ll always be there.”
Editor’s note: You’re a disgrace to men.