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Friday, July 5, 2024


In a shocking turn of events, Sou Kum Choi, a 57-year-old private tutor, was sentenced to 53 months in jail for his reprehensible actions against two of his male pupils, according to The Straits Times.


The case involves disturbing allegations of molestation, spanning several years and deeply impacting the lives of the victims and their families.

A predator

Sou Kum Choi had been introduced to the parents of the first victim by their neighbors. He began tutoring the boy in June 2015, covering subjects like English, mathematics, science, and Chinese during two to three classes a week at the victim’s home. The lessons took place in either the bedroom or the living room, and the victim’s grandparents were often present. From April 2016 to April 2018, the accused molested the victim at least 20 times. He also kissed the boy on the cheek at least four times, with additional failed attempts.

The horrifying truth came to light on June 22, 2019, just three days after the last molestation incident. The young victim, unable to bear the weight of the secret any longer, disclosed the traumatic experiences to his mother during a tuition lesson. It was a heart-wrenching moment, as the victim broke down in tears while recounting the harrowing events. The very next day, he, accompanied by his parents, filed a police report, setting the wheels of justice in motion.

The second victim, a student in Primary 4 to Primary 6, was under Sou’s tutelage. Their classes, held up to three times a week, took place in the boy’s room, with the door closed. The prosecutors pointed out that Sou Kum Choi, solely motivated by his own selfish desires, had made advances against the second victim. This included an incident where he stroked the boy’s thigh.


During the trial, the second victim, now a teenager, was asked why he did not call for help. His response, that he was confused and unsure of what was happening, is entirely understandable, given his age at the time.

Sou’s defense, represented by lawyer Kalaithasan Karuppaya, claimed that the contact with the second victim’s leg was merely a tap, meant to divert the boy’s attention from distractions like Pokémon cards or a mobile phone.

For each count of molesting a child below 14 years old, Sou Kum Choi could have been jailed for up to five years, fined, or both.

The Guilty Plea

Sou Kum Choi stood before the court and pleaded guilty on Friday to one charge of molesting an 11-year-old boy in 2018. Furthermore, he consented to having three molestation charges against the same victim considered during his sentencing. This marked the beginning of a legal process that would ultimately determine the fate of a man whose actions had caused significant pain and suffering to innocents.

In August, Sou Kum Choi faced a trial where he was convicted on two other charges of molestation against a second victim. This victim, aged between 10 and 12 at the time of the alleged offenses, endured these traumatic experiences between 2014 and 2016. The gravity of these offenses cannot be overstated, as it involved the misuse of trust and authority, leading to a lifetime of emotional scars for the young victims.


Deputy public prosecutors Jane Lim and Adelle Tai vehemently condemned Sou’s behavior, rightfully describing it as reprehensible. They sought a sentence ranging from 50 to 54 months in jail, in addition to 3½ months of imprisonment in lieu of eight strokes of the cane. However, Sou’s age, being over 50 years old, rendered him exempt from caning.

Past Convictions

It’s crucial to note that this is not Sou’s first brush with the law. In 2006, he was convicted on three counts of outrage of modesty for molesting another minor under the guise of private tuition. He had previously served a 10-month jail term for that case. The prosecutors emphasized the need for a sentence that reflects society’s disapproval of such actions, aims to deter potential offenders, and prevents Sou from harming another child in the future.

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