My boyfriend cheated on me with a coworker
i was at my boyfriends house yesterday, watching tiktoks together on my phone. it eventually lead to him just having my phone and i had his in return.
while i didn’t originally intend to do this, i snooped through some of his messages, as he is always friendly with girls and there are a few i was suspicious of.
i look through two girls chats and find nothing. i eventually reach his coworkers chat (i checked snapchat first) and opened the profile to look at saved photos.
i saw a bunch of selfies of her and a few of my boyfriend but my heart sank when i saw a shower selfie (neck-chest) my bf had sent to her.
i tried to brush it off and i went to his text messages. i tried to hold myself back from clicking her name, i wasn’t sure if i wanted to know what was behind it, but i’ve had girls flirt with my bf before and it’s not unusual for him to “ignore it” as he finds these girls important enough to keep in his life and ignore their blatant disrespect.
anyways, i click on her name and the most recent messages were just before he quit his job where they both worked, they read “i miss you” and he said the same.
i scrolled up and felt a wave of heat throughout my body as i read. i read messages of them expressing their attraction towards each other (you’re cute, you’re fine), the girl asking how he liked the feel of her a** and thighs to which he would reply “you’re so soft, you’re so cute.”
i was shaking heavily and took pictures of what i read. i confronted him that day and he denied nothing and told me everything.
that happened yesterday and i’m still on edge of what i should do. he said they never slept together and i believe him (i believe the messages would be worse if so) but i’m also doubting if i can ever trust him again.
he’s a good bf, does everything right, but couldn’t control himself that one time, for the one girl that gives him everything.
it hurts especially since he knows the pain of being cheated on. i want to give him a second chance, he’s my first bf, my first everything, i’m terrified of not having him in my life anymore, but i also don’t want to be lied to again.
i feel stupid for wanting to stay, but i don’t want to leave. do i bother believing in second chances?