My bf likes to block me
I’m 22f and he’s 27m
He told me once that he likes to block me in weeks. 1 week for the first time I’m dramatic, 2 weeks for the second time, 3 weeks ect. It got up to 2 months with no contact.
What kind of behaviour is this?
He prefers to not talk and then go back to normal with enough time. He doesn’t talk it out unless I bring the issue up again.
Also might be good to know the 2 month no contact was a few months ago… I just thought to post this now.
I assumed we were broken up, but he said I was just blocked and should’ve came to see him.
Netizens’ comments
- No. That’s just him trying to make you feel bad when he’s not even doing the bare minimum for a relationship.
It’s not even that he’s mad about you not reading his mind.
He just wants to condition you to let him treat you like shit.
Edit: My friend you are not dumb. He’s just made you feel like you are because that’s probably how he treats you.
I’m sure there’s quite a few things you’re not only very smart and knowledgeable about but talents or other hobbies that are neat, but back to the point.
First step is to start to make a plan. It doesn’t sound like you live together, but is there anything tying you financially?
Do you have friends, family or coworkers who could help if necessary?
Can you start discreetly gathering any valuables that may be at his place? A couple gym bag from savers is great.
Does he have access to your accounts? A pet?
Do you think he will try to find you if you stop contact?
I don’t mean to overwhelm you with a bunch of questions, and you don’t have to respond to me but start making a list.
Once you’ve detached yourself, I found it was most helpful to make a list of things I always wanted to do that he hated. Then I started checking them off.
My ex had addiction issues. It was hard but I didn’t want his relapses to because my regular life. But I understand. I did absolutely love him, but I had to accept that the person I loved was a work of fiction in my head wearing his face. Who he was in real life was not who he said he was or how he actually was.
P.S. I’m rooting for you. I hope in six months you’re happier than you’ve ever been before. - Block you in weeks and make it longer each time? That just sounds like he’s conditioning you to not say or do things that upset him with him blocking you for even longer a threat/punishment. That’s not a man, that’s both an immature little boy and a manipulative monster. Confront him on his bullshit or cut your losses