My Wife’s (32F) sister (28F) won’t stop having babies…
Ill try and keep this as concise as possible. My wife (32) has a younger sister with 4 daughters by the age of 28. We just found out she is pregnant with a 5th child. This will be her 5th child in 7 years.
Normally I wouldn’t care as long as the kids are taken care of, but the sister works at a petrol station, has a baby daddy who cant keep a job. That and they are living with Grandma and Grandpa (Both in their early 60s) and as basically living off of the grandparents this whole time.
My mother and father in-laws are great people. Perhaps too forgiving and have taken the approach that if we don’t talk about it, it will go away.
That has helped them have a house full of 4 babies and 2 “adults” living off them. Well baby #5 is on the way and we seem to be in this same cycle of not talking to the sister about the pregnancy.
The sister has refused to admit that she is pregnant, despite the clear signs being there (bulge, and some reported morning sickness, that and just the pattern of behavior over the years).
At this point it seems inevitable that there will be a blow up, but apparently every time that they have ever tried to discuss this with the sister, she has thrown a screaming tantrum like a 5 year old.
She seems to be a child giving birth to more children. They got her to move out of the grandparents house a few years ago but the house they lived in quickly became completely unsuitable for children to live in.
Disgustingly unclean and not an environment to raise kids in.
We don’t want the kids to be taken away. But something needs to be done. I worry about my wife, because it clearly distresses her and I feel very bad for her and the grandparents who clearly were just doing the right thing but seem to be completely stuck in this situation.