Ever since I announced my pregnancy, I felt that my colleagues have been giving me the cold shoulder.
I don’t know if I’m being sensitive or what but it really does feel that way.
Before this they would always ask me to join for coffee break but now they just disappear and don’t even bother calling.
Even during lunch I can sense some awkwardness that they don’t really want me to be there? They will say things like “ask the pregnant one to choose where we eating at” and after I choose, they’ll comment on how the food choices are boring and unappetising. So sometimes I just bring my own food into office so I don’t have to go out with them.
Honestly I don’t know what I did wrong cos I’m still doing the same amount of work I was doing previously so it can’t be that my boss is giving out my work to them.
Except for a few times where I took leave for my medical appts, I’m always in office early and I don’t leave on time either. I usually stay back about half an hour to prep the things I have to do the following day. So unless they don’t like seeing my tummy inflate day by day, I really don’t know what’s their gripe with me.
I was tempted to ask my boss if I could switch depts but he’ll definitely ask me why and I don’t want to seem like I’m complaining about my colleagues behind their backs and risk them hating me even more.
I can’t wait for my baby to be full term so I can stay home and not have to see my colleagues.
Here are what netizens think:
- Don’t mind them just go on with your daily routine. Be happy about atleast you are saving money by not buying outside food .
- Some people spend more time complaining that’s why they are unsuccessful.