A woman shared how she is married with two kids and her combined income with her husband is $11k/month, she is considering becoming a stay home mum.
Here is the story:
“Hi hi, I am 38f this year with 2 young kids. The elder one will be entering primary school the year after next.
I am currently fully employed and is having thoughts if I should become a stay at home mother when my kid enters primary.
The responsibilities will then to guide them to have good character and also if they need help on homework, I can be there. M
y spouse is ok with me giving up my job to do this and we are middle income family (11k combined). So it will be an obvious income loss if I stay at home.
Would like to get a sensing from the younger community here .. based on your childhood, did having a stay home parent help you become a better/stronger person?
Or if having both parents working, made you more independent/self confident etc.
Thank you.”
Editor’s note: Would be beneficial for the kids to have someone at home with them but there are always pros and cons.