So I’m getting married in April 2023. We are about to send out invitations and I asked my mom for a list of family and a few friends she would like to invite.
My fiancé and I already have a list of 135 people, and said we only wanted immediate family (grandparents, aunts/uncles, and 1st cousins). Our immediate families are included in our list.
My mom comes back with an additional 61 family members to invite and 80 (!!) of her friends. Our venue max is 200 people, but we wanted to keep it under 150 for both budget and only want people we both know.
I told her we will not be inviting all of those people, and that she has 20 additional spots.
She and my dad threw a huge fit & told me if I was going to be like this, I should just get married without anyone there.
Then they tried to guilt trip me saying I would hurt these family member’s feelings and can never repair the relationship…
I’ve talked to my extended family maybe 3 times in my life. There is no relationship.