So when I went on a date with a guy recently, I was a little shocked when he suggested that we split the bill. I had always been taught that guys should pay for dates, and I was surprised that he was so open to splitting the bill.
It all started when I asked him out for a drink.
He agreed and we met at a local bar. We enjoyed our drinks, talked about our lives, and had a great time. Right after we finished our drinks, he suggested that we split the bill.
I was taken aback and my first thought was that he didn’t respect me. I had been taught that guys should always pay for dates.
I quickly realized is was because I told him I was a feminist. I quickly realise how much of a hypocrite I am.
After I thought about it for a few moments, I realized that there was nothing wrong with splitting the bill. We were both adults and we both had the same amount of money to spend on the date. We were both enjoying each other’s company and it seemed like the fair thing to do. We both put in the same amount of money and we both got the same amount of enjoyment from the date.
At the same time, I still believe that it is important for guys to pay for dates. It is a way of showing respect and appreciation for the other person. It is a way of showing that you value their company and that you are willing to put in some extra effort to make them feel special. I think it is important to recognize the value of a person’s time and effort, and paying for a date is one way of doing that.
At the end of the day, I think it is important to be flexible when it comes to who pays for a date. If a guy wants to pay, then that is great. If not, then splitting the bill is also an option. It should not be seen as a sign of disrespect or a lack of appreciation. It is simply a way of being fair and showing respect for each other’s financial situation.