So I’m a working part-timer that just got their results back and planning to quit. I told them I want to resign cause I don’t want to study and work at the same time, but the manager insist I continue working even I’m not willing to and that I can cut down my working hrs. ( I don’t think im going into a JC but ya)
She feels my reason to resign isn’t a good reason and tells me I should be able to commit more and this is never stated in the contract.
I really hate working here so I thought is a good chance to resign now but they reject me and are not going to approve my resignation, there is a week notice and I have planned my last working day but now I have to work another 2 more weeks.
I search online that is illegal to do so but the only way to resign is through the manager. Is there anywhere or someone I can contact to report, I can’t find any HQ number for the company.
Here is what netizens think:
- Resignation is not optional. Don’t show up for work and screen shot her rejection, make sure you get it in writing (email, text, etc). If she decides to go further, MOM would love to have a word with your employer.
- Also, if you think they might sue you, don’t worry their finance dept won’t approve the lawsuit budget and the legal dept will ROTFL at your manager.
- You dont need your employer’s approval to resign. Throw letter to make it official, and if they want to make noise its on them. Companies take advantage of employees not knowing their rights.
- Because employers try to guilt trip you into staying on if you’re not sure of your rights and have difficulty saying no so they won’t have to scramble to find a replacement
- Resignation is by an individual, stating their intention to terminate their employment with an employer. It cannot be rejected.