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Wednesday, June 26, 2024


A Woman’s Battle Against Eviction: The Complex Journey of Ms. Jasmine Gowrimani Daniel

In the heart of a legal tussle lies the gripping story of Ms. Jasmine Gowrimani Daniel, who faces the haunting reality of eviction from a flat she had purchased back in 2001. The Housing Development Board (HDB) took action against her due to alleged significant mortgage payment defaults amounting to a substantial sum of S$106,000 by May 2020. This eviction saga has unraveled through a series of events, legal notices, appeals, and judicial decisions, culminating in an ongoing battle for possession and justice.


Background of the Case

According to CNA, Ms. Daniel’s saga dates back to the early 2000s when she acquired the flat with financial assistance from HDB. Over the years, she encountered personal hardships leading to arrears in mortgage payments. Her plea for understanding due to her circumstances was met with temporary deferrals and reduced payments. However, as time progressed, her debts escalated, leading to notices of eviction.

HDB’s Notifications and Attempts at Resolution

The HDB, in attempts to address the situation, served multiple notices, granting options to settle the arrears or sell the property. Ms. Daniel engaged in negotiations with HDB and the Ministry of National Development (MND) seeking mediation and a feasible payment plan. Despite back-and-forth discussions, a mutual agreement remained elusive.


The Proceedings Over the Years

The case unfolded through various correspondences, offers, rejections, and demands for payment. With arrears mounting to a considerable sum, MND rejected Ms. Daniel’s proposed payment plan as inadequate, hinting at the uncertainty of her income to sustain monthly payments.

HDB’s Execution of Eviction

After extended back-and-forths, HDB proceeded with the eviction process, granting deadlines for Ms. Daniel to either sell the property or settle her dues. Subsequently, the scheduled eviction took place, leading to a standoff between Ms. Daniel and HDB, entailing legal action and requests for a judicial review.

Legal Proceedings and Judge Toh’s Decision


In a critical turn of events, Judge Toh dismissed Ms. Daniel’s application, stating that the court lacked jurisdiction over the matter. The court deemed her appeal frivolous, vexatious, and an abuse of process, ordering her to pay costs to HDB. Despite her appeals against these orders, the legal battle persists.


The convoluted journey of Ms. Jasmine Gowrimani Daniel stands as a complex narrative of an individual’s struggle against eviction, intertwined with legal complexities, administrative decisions, and personal predicaments. The unresolved conflict continues, marking a precedent for legal interpretations and tenant rights.

Unique FAQs

  1. **Why did Ms. Daniel face eviction?
    • Ms. Daniel faced eviction due to significant mortgage payment defaults, accumulating to around S$106,000 by May 2020, as alleged by HDB.
  2. **Did Ms. Daniel receive any options before the eviction process?
    • Yes, HDB provided Ms. Daniel with options to either sell the property or settle the arrears to avoid eviction.
  3. **What was the Ministry of National Development’s role in this case?
    • The MND attempted to mediate and establish a payment plan but rejected Ms. Daniel’s proposed plan due to its inadequacy to settle the arrears within a reasonable time frame.
  4. **What led to Judge Toh’s decision against Ms. Daniel’s appeal?
    • Judge Toh’s decision was based on the lack of jurisdiction of the district court over the matter and deemed her appeal frivolous and an abuse of the court’s process.
  5. **Is the legal battle over for Ms. Daniel?
    • No, Ms. Daniel has appealed against all of Judge Toh’s orders, and the conflict is ongoing.
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