My father is embarrassed with me for being close friends with girls instead of guys.
Hi I’m a guy who just got lectured by my father for being close friends with girls instead of guys.
So what happened today was, I went out with a group of girls as it was one of my friends birthday and we decided to celebrate and I told my father about it and the second I told him about it, he asked me why there are no other guys…
proceeded on to tell me that other people will talk badly about me if they see me hanging out with girls instead of guys.
I was previously from ite in an all girls course so my friends were all girls.
Even though I’m in poly now and I do talk to guys, but I feel that I can click with girls better as most of the guys that I talk to are either interested in gaming or football, which I am not a fan of.
I am actually quite pissed about it as it is not the first time he’s been saying like this! Idk if I am the one at fault or is it a mental problem of mine
Netizens’ comments
- There’s nothing wrong with a guy having a social circle consisting of primarily women. I don’t know how you can talk to your dad about this though.
- That sounds like me but the opposite. Female with lots of male friends.
Honestly, its just old people mindset. My parents be hella angry whenever i hang with my male friends because im a female. Why i dont have female friends etc etc (i do indeed have female friends).
I’m an adult now and they still get pissed. So basically, as i grew older, i just dont share with them. If they found out, one ear in one ear out. - Loser father. Girls are hotter than guys so of course get girl friends la DUH!
- Probably old people stereotypical mindset. Girls with lots of guy friends, hang out mostly with guys = tomboy. Guys with lots of girl friends, hang out mostly with girls = agua.
- Tell him if he harbours hopes of ever becoming a grandfather, then stop complaining