I screwed up by lending my friend money
Before anyone passes judgement, I know I was damn stupid to lend my friend 5 digit worth of money, only for everything to be lost in a scam.
We were all victims of the situation, especially my friend, so I tried being understanding about the due date in which they would return the money to me. They owe about 6 digits worth to multiple people.
A lot of people say this money is confirm lost, no need to look back at it. But 5 digits is a huge sum, and at this point it is a matter of principle.
I didn’t need the money ASAP so I told my buddy they can take their time to pay back, focus on the more kancheong ppl first.
It has been 2 years, and I can’t help but to be impatient because I see them going on trips to Japan and Korea and all that with their family.
Like hello, did you forget you got debt to pay? I’m trying to be nice and give you your human right to enjoy life la, I don’t want to be an along.
But this money is a big deal to me too. Just because I don’t make noise, doesn’t mean you can take advantage right?
I’m sure they are not doing it on purpose, but it does make me anxious. Especially now I’m planning to get married, I need that cash soon.
I never want to lose friendship because of money, because honestly this is my buddy buddy. When I fell on hard times they helped me out big time financially also.
But the difference is I paid my dues on time, they are currently not doing that.
What do I do? I know I already screwed up lending him, not going to do it again, but I want my money back. I know for a fact he can pay.