My girlfriend needs to be dominated and I hate doing it
My girlfriend needs to be dominated in the bedroom to be satisfied. She is constantly asking me to “pin her”, “manhandle her”, “choke her”, etc.
I absolutely hate it, I do not get any enjoyment out of dominating her in the bedroom and it is actually a major turn-off for me.
I try to do it for her to keep her happy and satisfied, but I can’t really do a good job of it for an extended period of time because I just get totally turned off and lose interest in what we are doing.
I have told her this, that I really hate dominating in the bedroom and that it ruins sex for me. I asked her if we could just make passionate love instead.
She was good with this for awhile, but now shes back to begging me to dominate her. I’m really at a loss about this, is there any possible medium?
Also, please don’t suggest breaking up thats not a real solution. We both love each other, and if its a dealbreaker for her Ill let her make that decision I dont need to make it for her.