I’m not ready to get married and my boyfriend is losing his patience with me.
We have been dating for 3 years. He proposed to me a year ago. I’m so in love with him so I agreed. Actually I wasn’t ready but I don’t think we would need to make any arrangements due to all the restrictions but after everything is lifted he started to browse around for apartments and asked me to join him. I’ve been making excuses not to join him so far.
Eventually he found out how I feel and I’m also not willing to get a place together yet so we had a huge fight. Reason is he wants to start a family as he is much older than me. While I feel that I have not worked long enough to build up my portfolio or career. I feel getting married now may affect my job as I do not wish the company to skip me when there’s a promotion, thinking I’m newly married and assuming I will be starting a family in the near future.
I do love him. He has a great paying job that he loves. He takes great care of his parents. He does chores and he even cooks. I’ve stayed over at his place during the weekends and I know he would make a great partner.
He understands that I’m not ready to be a mother but he cannot comprehend why I do not wish to get married yet.
Would it be selfish of me to make him wait longer? I’m afraid he may give up on me. Would you get married when you’re not ready? I understand the chances of getting pregnant will drop as you get older but I’m in my early 20s and I really cannot imagine getting married now and becoming a mother.