Did I ‘ride’ my boyfriends face to hard?
So, my boyfriend asked if I would sit on his face tonight, and I was very happy to say yes. But I kinda got a bit to into it and ended up grinding into his face pretty hard as well as pulling his hair…etc…
I apologized but he said it was okay and that he really enjoyed it, but I feel like he’s saying that only to make me feel better.
So my question is how hard is to much? I really enjoyed it but I’m kinda worried now that I went way to harsh, I just want to know if he’s just being nice by saying he enjoyed it or not I guess
Netizens’ comments
- Talk to him. I know you said you did, but if you’re not convinced by his reply, you need to talk to him some more. Some guys love it when you ride them hard. I’ve done it with a guy I was more dominant with.
You should start carefully anyways. And see how the guy responds.- (OP) I think I will, he talked a but I definitely think I need to make sure he liked it as much as he said he did before I do it again
- I had a girl give a me a bloody nose sitting on my face. It started off normally and she was getting into it. I pulled her ahead and started grinding her v on my nose. The next thing you know. I had the taste of blood in my mouth.
- don’t worry about it, we men love that! Do it again and again! We all wish we had someone like you
- You have nothing to worry about. He meant what he said when he said he enjoyed it.