Is my boyfriend (31m) trying to brainwash me (28f)?
My bf and I share a google account. He left 2 or 3 weeks ago, as we are taking space and time, but he has his own computer that he took with him.
When googling something, some brainwashing google searches came up, the first one was “how to brainwash someone”
Idk why I had a weird feeling seeing that. So I checked the history to see when this was searched. I am regularly typing into google “how to…..” lol and I’ve never seen this search come up before.
Turns out my boyfriend has been searching how to brain wash, and cult stuff for a few days. The most recent was “does time brainwash” or something like that, which he googled the same night he told me we shouldn’t talk for a few days and that he just needs space because he’s upset.
Should I be alarmed about this? Or am I waaaay reading into things here?
Seems like too much of a coincidence to not be related right? Or am I paranoid?
Netizens’ comments
- Oh my, I love true crime documentaries on Netflix, and when something intriguing comes up, I often just start to google it and then fall down the Google/YouTube rabbit hole. I am just interested in how stuff works.
If you feel unsafe, though, listen to your gut. - You are 28 years old, taking a break for 2-3 weeks due to his suggestion. Brainwashing search could or could not be a huge red flag. BUT why are you waiting around for someone to decide if they want you or dont? That is the bigger issue here.
- You’d be surprised at the number of ridiculous things us guys google about, maybe there isn’t a cause for concern, but be careful though.
- No idea what kind of guy your BF is. But sometimes i google outrageous stuff because some kind of video i saw on youtube made me curious. If my SO would judge me based on that i would think she is crazy.