I am 36f and I know I don’t have the prettiest face (so have barely any luck on the apps). I am slim though and take care of myself in all ways, except as far as having plastic surgery.
I am shy with guys around my age and can’t carry the conversation far at times
I have a big nose and ears, deep sunken eyes and just generally not “pretty” no matter how much make up I wear (it actually makes me look worse).
The other problem is I am really shy with men my age. I am friendly and can get along with most people unless it’s a guy my age I just clam up and find it hard to be myself.
I really want to meet someone nice but worried it’s not going to happen for me, I am on hinge but only get probably one like every 2/3 weeks and have been on dates with these guys (some whom I’m not even attracted to but hoping something might grow in person if they have a nice personality, which hasn’t happened yet).
Anyway just looking for any and all advice, if anyone has been in my position and found love ( I don’t want to settle, I want real love, but worry because I don’t have the looks and I’m shy I won’t get it).
Or advice on how to make my profile more appealing (or do ppl only look at the photos)?
Here are what netizens think
- Can use photo editing apps to make you more pretty, got meitu and a lot of those different apps what.
- Need to learn how to talk to people lor, cannot always be shy. If a woman is too shy also very turn off for a guy one no matter how pretty you are.
- Trust your looks, a lot of ugly people also can find girlfriend or boyfriend and I am sure that you are better than that