Is love really conditional?
I am a 28 year old male and my partner is 29 years old. I met her a half a year ago on okc and we really hit off very well initially.
However, she is now really worried about the future and how different we are in terms of everything else although we are compatible personality and character wise. Especially the difference in the financial status.
I work as a supervisor with annual salary of 60k while hers is 120k annual in her own field. My income is pretty much close to the peak already and even if I did manage to go up higher to go corporate I still won’t be able to match up with her current salary. On the other hand, she still has alot of room for growth.
She wants me to be able to match up with her and I too also want to match up with her. She wants to be free from financial woes and retire early. But I have no way to go about doing this. I can’t go studying cause it takes up too much time and I need visible results in months. I cant stay in my job because it’s a dead end. What else can I do? I have already considered insurance, property, investments, mlm, opening my own business. Maybe even need sell my butt alr like this. I am definitely not lazy but i don’t want to waste my full efforts into something that will not provide me the means to shape her desired future with her.
It’s as though fate brought us together but fate also wants to show me that no matter what I try or do my fate is sealed and she wil leave me because I cant play my part to contribute to our future together. I don’t know what to do next. Is this the end?
Here are what netizens think:
- Bring her to MBS hotel room staycation get her drunk n piak while still able to liao before she run away…
- Joining insurance agents is the only way, few years later confirm very wealthy if work hard enough to sell more lampah cancer life insurance…
- She’s not the one. Move on. Let her go find her 120k per annum guy. You won’t be happy together in the long run. The right one will work together with you for a better future, not set demands and expectations that is out of your reach.
- My wife earns 3x what I do. Once you have kids and it makes sense that you, rather than your wife, is the primary childcare provider, she won’t care that you make less. Tell her this is the 21st century and to grow up.