I have a degree and i’ve gone through 11 different jobs from 2020 to 2021 (sometimes working 2 at a time).
Most paid between $1.7k and $2.6k a month. It feels like if I try to be nice and accommodating to others I get stepped on repeatedly or picked on.
If I try to speak up or distance myself from those people then I’m a problem or not a team player. If I’m quiet then I get told ‘are you sure this is the job for you’ why do I have to try so hard!!!!
I thought my terrible search would be over in 2022. Still under 50k a year but at least I can finally move out from living with my toxic mother right? After a year at a crappy insurance company, I had enough and stood up for myself.
Immediately I also wanted to change jobs. I spent 3 months searching and applying to over 200 jobs. Some I feel like I didn’t get because I have a traditionally feminine name. I applied to entry-level factory jobs for pete’s sake. If you’re really so desperate for people then don’t assume I can’t lift or monitor things just because I wasn’t born a man.
I started at another insurance company then got an offer for a role elsewhere. I was so conflicted between the two but I chose the insurance company since they said ‘they really liked me’. I didn’t want to let them down. I get there and I’m constantly told they’re understaffed.
2 weeks later they tell me they don’t think they’re a good fit. They recently hired a guy younger than me right out of uni with 0 industry experience yet I’m the one who doesn’t fit? I’ve never had this happen. Now I’m out a job.
I feel like if I were born a guy with my qualifications it would be less troublesome to get a decent job. Instead of being considered a ‘job hopper’ I’d just be someone who was ‘trying to figure himself out’ or just looked down upon less. I wouldn’t get picked on because others wouldn’t think I’m weak.
Is there anyone else who feels this way???? I’m just so sick of trying so hard in these environments but ‘nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe’ right?