A guy shared how he was lied to by a girl he met online, who lied to him about her looks and when they met in person, she told him “surprise!”
Here is the story:
“This was on OKC, before i met my girlfriend i had talked with a girl and things were going well and we agreed to go on a date.
Before the date these were the physical attributes i was lead to believe:
- she’s short (she always had a joke about how she was short)
- she said she had a couple of SMALL tattoos
- she was skinny/ average weight
I go to pick her up, and the woman that answered the door was over 6 feet tall with full tattoo sleeves on both arms oh and she was bursting at the seams pregnant…
Because I was so taken back i only said “what?!?!”. She laughed and said “surprise!!” And her voice was really odd, i wouldn’t even know how to explain it.
Before the anger of being lied to set in due to the absolute shock, she told me to come in. I sat on the couch and she yelled at her cats who were literally just laying there doing nothing.
At this point the shock had worn off and i was thinking of an exit route…i mean this girl was monstrously pregnant, and escaping on foot was my only chance.
I pointed to the kitchen and asked about a piece hanging on the wall. She turned to look and i ran out the front door.”