Is it really too much to refuse to date guys who still live at home with their parents?
I get that it’s normal here for people to live at home well into their adult life, but it’s just not for me.
I get so many excuses like:
“Housing is expensive and no one can afford to buy a home / waiting to BTO” Okay? People can rent. I rent. Nearly all of my friends rent. It’s doable. I’m not saying people have to buy a house.
“It’s normal for guys to live at home so you just have to accept it” Why do I need to accept it? I don’t. I can just do what I’m doing now and refuse to date guys who still live at home.
“Why don’t you just go to a hotel room then?” Because I don’t want to feel like a call girl or that I’m sneaking around behind their parent’s back.
“My parents are fine with me bringing girls over” Good for them, but I’m not going to do anything when their parents are RIGHT THERE IN THE SAME HOUSE. It’s wildly uncomfortable.
The worst are the people who call me a gold digger, because to them the only people who can move out are the super rich (not true) and the people who somehow twisted this into a race thing. In their mind the vast majority of guys who don’t live at home are foreigners, so my standard means I’m a self-hating racist because it means I’ll be rejecting all the local guys and mostly dating foreign guys.
To me it’s got nothing to do with money, and nothing to do with race. It’s a sign of independence. My experiences of dating guys who still live at home isn’t good. I’ve had guys try to sneak me into a completely dark house because it’s 2am and of course their parents are asleep. Guys who had to update their parents on their whereabouts, report when they leave, if they’re going to get back late. Guys who still let their parents/maid feed them, do their laundry, do their dishes, do all the house chores. Guys who tried to change a date location because their parents didn’t think it was a good idea. Ever since I’ve started only dating guys who’ve moved out, I don’t run into issues like hthat anymore.
There’s not quite any replacement for living alone. I want to date a guy that’s used to living alone and handling all the things that come with it. Someone who’s completely cut the apron strings.
I don’t think that’s a high standard at all, so I’m tired of getting so much s*it for it