My [22f] Boyfriend [23m] kicked me out and dumped me the first time I refused to get intimate with him.
Ive known him for 6 months, and we’ve been hooking up the entire time. We went official about 3 weeks ago, after dating and learning about each other.
Well, last night we haven’t seen each other for a week and a half because he went on a work trip, so i spend the night over at his house for movie night.
We got intimate twice and he tried initiating one more time, we usually go 3 times before bed, and i told him i was tired.
He initially was chill about it but then it got weird. He started getting dressed and went outside for 15 minutes.
He came back and told me that I needed to call a cab because he had a doctors appointment early in the morning.
I thought it was weird but there was definitely a weird tension between us, i can tell he was upset although he didnt say anything or lash out.
We went outside and He waited for the ride to show up, and as we were waiting he told me that we were done and he didnt like the direction this relationship was heading.
I am absolutely devastated because of how random this was. We have been having some relationship issues recently as I am the jealous type and we had a big talk about it the other night and this has created some friction in our relationship the past few weeks.
I just cant believe he dumped me at 2 am spontaneously over that.