Boyfriend’s (23M) weight gain has become a turn off (23F)
Hi everyone! I’ve seen some posts related to this, but haven’t come across advice that I could use, so I thought I’d try asking.
I (23F) have been in a relationship with my boyfriend (23M) for several years. It’s been great and he’s my best friend.
Since the beginning of our relationship, he’s gained about 27 to 30kg. It’s been affecting my attraction to him lately and we’ve been less intimate because of it, which I know he’s noticed but he hasn’t really questioned the reason behind it.
I’ve kind of hinted at it by saying things like to not eat dessert as dinner and bringing up my concern about extreme soda consumption, and it’s only made him upset (understandably).
I have no idea what to do or say, and I’m not sure I have a place at all to even bring it up. I need to work on my health too as I’m not a big exerciser, maybe I can suggest things like that? I don’t know!!!
Netizens’ comments
- I think you need to find a good time and have a serious conversation with him. Tell him you want to help him. Also, tell him you want to work on yourself as well.
Lead by example!! If you start working on yourself, and become passionate about results, maybe it will motivate him too. It makes it a lot better when you do it with someone! - Is it possible he’s using food as a coping mechanism? Does he have any mental health issues or new stressers that popped up around the time his weight gain started?