Why do some married men feel the need to go out and “pretend to be single”?
I’m really sick of wasting my time on men who turn out to be married.
My sister and I went out to a bar the other night. She really hit it off with this guy which was a confidence boost for her since she recently broke up with her long-term bf.
We’re chatting/flirting with this dude, his brother, and a group of their friends for well over 2 hours. We then come to find out THEY’RE ALL MARRIED. I confronted them and the guy my sister was talking to had the audacity to say, “Well, we weren’t exactly hiding it,” and waggled his ring finger in front of my face.
Ok sure, you were only strategically keeping your ring finger hand tucked into your pocket. If I rolled my eyes any harder they would’ve popped out of my skull.
Stop wasting our damn time! I feel so bad for all their wives. Don’t get married if you’re going to act single. Disrespectful af.
Here are what netizens think:
- You can’t blame yourself that your blind.
- Welcome to the world, woman do the same thing and they will do it with their ring off. So don’t talk like the world owes you anything.
- You think only men do that? OMG have you been living in a cave?