My bf (26M) is meeting up with an old schoolfriend (25F) on valentinesday…
We have been in a relationship for 3.5 years now and tbh never really celebrated valentinesday before. It was not something too important for me, even though I‘d sometimes still wished he‘d bring me flowers haha.
Anyway, he started talking with an old school friend of his from 15 years ago, only god knows why the heck he texted her.
They share the same love for marvel and dc, something I am not really into. Now they came up with the idea to meet up. On valentinesday. He even reserved a table in some restaurant for them.
When I saw the reservation ( we share an e-mail account and the e-mail with the reservation plopped up) I was so happy, thinking we‘d go out, just for my hopes being crushed as he announced he‘ll go with that schoolfriend of his…
I know he can have female friends, but why does it still hurt so much? Idk maybe I just overreact..
Edit: I confronted him about it after I went for a walk to get my thoughts sorted out. He kept telling me it was just a friend, and even if he‘d end up having feelings for her we‘ll find a solution.
My solution to it was ending the relationship. I‘m worth more than that and deserve better. I‘m better off being single and enjoying my life.
Thank ya‘ll for also opening my eyes and help me understand I am not just overreacting :> I hope for a better guy to come who takes me out on v-days! It hurts a lot right now though but I try to be positive that its all going to be better soon.
Netizens’ comments
- Na. Absolutely he can have female friends, but not taking another girl out on Valentine’s Day. Sorry but that’s a massive no no. Why does it have to be that particular day. Speak to him and tell him you’re not comfortable with this.
- I just….. “even if I end up having feelings for her we’ll figure it out????” The f-???
- Girl, thank GOD you dumped that absolutely numbskull. There just… has to be fucking sand in his head to think that that’s an appropriate response. God. I’m so utterly proud of you for not even ENTERTAINING one of the stupidest men I’ve encountered on this site.
- You are watching your boyfriend go on a date. Just think about that for a bit and act accordingly.