I need some advice.
At age 37 my bf is only at the executive level. he earns around $4500 a month. I expect him to earn around $15k a month for a director-level position.
At his age, he should be a GM/Director by now but he is just a lowly legal counsel with low pay working for an SME business with little to no benefits.
Should I leave him? Should I look for something better for myself?
I am a 23-year-old local Chinese. And I still feel that I have a future unlike him. I don’t want to waste other opportunities for other men to provide me a better life. FYI he took a year just save up for a Gucci Bag. How pathetic is that?
We have been together for 5 years and I had not seen him get a promotion or increment since then. Girls and Guys please help. my BF is a local guy Chinese
Netizens’ comments
- Pathetic? Indeed but not him, it’s YOU. Shallow, deluded and materialistic. At 23 yrs old, barely any working experience, no career to begin with, unable to afford your own luxury and earn your own keep. Yet all you can think of is to leech on other men. Answer to your qn: yes, you shld leave him for his gd i.e. but pls stay single until you can stop thinking of being a parasite to anyone. Geez, it’s already 2021, quit living like we’re in ancient times.
- Please send picture, so “other men” can see if they really want to provide you with a “better life”
- errr… he buy gucci for you, you still complain? save up for a year just to buy you that, and you feel he’s pathetic, instead of feeling touched?
then you own self cannot buy one yourself meh? kp, you really no backbone. you also no money right, thats why ask bf buy for you. think youre the kind that wear branded goods but wallet inside no money kind LOL
Leave lor, then prove to him (and us) that you are able to earn more than him la, since you said your future brighter than him. wait.. then depend on him to buy gucci for fk?