25 C
Monday, February 17, 2025


I was earning around 60k to 70k per annum for 10 years before quitting to be a sahm.


My husband earns more than me. My husband and I paid half each during the initial payment for the house with a remaining loan of 200k. We have separate and joint accounts.

He has taken over paying for almost all the expenses for both of us. Including giving me an allowance which I was able to save from it too. We are thrifty, we don’t own a car.

During the course of our marriage, he had asked me twice if we can repay some of the home loan, using both our savings. I’ve obliged as I wanted to ease his burden. I’ve not need to spend from my own pocket as he’s given me a supplementary card for all expenses and he also paylah whenever I pay for things. From kid to house stuff and even my own personal shopping, insurance and other smaller bills he would paylah me sometimes and will do it when I ask too. Basically he’s paying for almost everything and I’m grateful for that. I’m also a simple person. I used to buy Chanels and Pradas but have since adjusted my spending habits since becoming a mom. I can live on 500 or less a month if I want to. I don’t scrimp when it comes to food. I can buy things on sale but I also won’t deprive my child of a new book or toy on birthdays or xmas when my child asks for it.

We won a decent amount not long ago and we used that to fully repay our condo. We are debt free since. We didn’t tell anyone about it.


Recently his family member asked if we can invest an amount in their business. Promising huge returns. All along I’m not on good terms with them and I don’t trust them either. They have been changing what they do all along. My husband would like us to contribute to show support. He say I got the spare cash, why not? I have a strong feeling their business will fail again and we won’t get back single cent. My relatives said me and my husband are the only ones staying in condo, we should give others a chance to upgrade from hdbs. I think it’s rubbish talk.

I don’t want my husband to help them either. I have plans to work when my child gets older but whatever I have now, it’s my own savings. I feel very annoyed his relatives act like I ought to help them. I’m not a big investor so I prefer to keep most of my money in banks. I do share and invest in the same stocks as my husband so even though my husband don’t really know the exact amount that I have, he has a rough idea that I have more than 100k. I know its not a lot. But since I’m not working right now, it’s my lifeline.

AITA for refusing to give his relatives a single cent and also stopping my husband from helping them?

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