I think i fall in love with a Massage lady
I’m currently a student studying in one of the local Uni. One day, i decided to venture into a certain forum that advertise services, curiosity killed the cat. I decided to call up one of them who i find beautiful.
It was my first time going for such services. She’s located in the mid west with other MLs too.
Her room is pretty clean. Once in, she took off her top. Oh my, i can’t stop looking at her beautiful flawless skin. She then told me to lie on the bed before proceeding to massage me. I even get to feel her, the experience is indescribable.
About 40minutes into the massage, she started doing the special. It feels sensational, i then nirvana within 5 minutes. Once done, I then proceed to grab her top with both of my hands then give her a kiss on her cheek.
Subsequently, I kept visiting her every 2 weeks. We started talking and i felt a connection with her. She also said that she never talk about personal things with her clients. I know that my parents will not approve our relationship. She never ask for any money except for her service
What should i do?
Netizens’ comments
Next time you want to visit her, you ask her if you have no money, can you still go look for her? Then you will get your answer.
End of day, they are providing a service, sure you may be their favorite customer or they may feel a connection with you but quite frankly you should not be mistaken that you are special to them. If tomorrow you don’t go visit her, you think she will miss you? Or miss a steady stream of income?
From someone who was close with some of these working ladies, there’s only heartache really so better to wake up earlier, save your money and your peace of mind. Imagine you say you love her, then what? What’s the next step? You want to support her so she don’t need to work? Or you are okay with her still doing this job where every guy can go visit her? If you say you okay with her job, then next time a customer ask her to go out to orchard to buy branded wallet, she will tell you it’s her job, just suck it up. What will that do to your mentality and self worth?
If you say you support her, good luck, most of the time they are working this job because they need lots of money and have no skills or are too lazy to work slowly towards their goal. Once your money runs out, you think she will stay with you because she will be contented? She also have lots of guys willing to spurge on her, some of them are old and have accumulated their CPF, she will always be tempted to jump to another bigger fish.