A guy shared a story of how he had left a used condom in a band aid box after having relations with his girlfriend as the dustbin in her room was not in the room at the point of time due to the trash inside being taken out earlier in the day.
As he had no where to throw the used condom and was rushing off somewhere with her, he decided to just throw it inside the band aid box.
However, the girlfriend took the box before they left the house and shook it without checking what was inside.
Thinking that there were still band aids inside the box due to hearing noises after shaking the box, she threw the band aid box back into the first aid kit which her dad always uses.
Here is the story
“After having relations with my girlfriend one day, I had wanted to throw the used condom which I was wearing away.
Usually there is a dustbin beside her bed and I would throw it there but not today, as the dustbin was taken out earlier in the day for emptying of the trash and we had forgot to take it back into the room.
Desperately trying to find a place to throw the used condom away and not wanting to hold onto it for so long, I found an empty band aid box lying on her study table and I decided to just put the used condom inside there so that I can take it out and throw later without anyone seeing the used condom.
We were rushing off to see a movie and I still had to rush home to pack my bag for camp before the movie so I forgot to take the box to throw away.
While in the car, I suddenly remembered about the whole band aid box and reminded my girlfriend to throw it away when she gets home.
To our horror, she told me that she saw the band aid box on her table and decided to shake it to see if there were still anything inside without looking at it.
Upon hearing noises coming from the box, she took the band aid box and put it back into the first aid kit in her house where her father always uses.
What’s worst is that she will not be going home that night either as she has a staycation with her friends.
Now we’re just hoping that her father does not go and meddle with the first aid kit just for that few days.”
Image source: Unsplash.com