My friend lied about their ability to smell for YEARS
I have this friend, very close friend for the last like 5 years, who allegedly has no sense of smell. Like they can’t smell anything at all and has told me it even affects their ability to taste things.
I’ve known this since I met them around 5 years ago. I’ve accidentally tried to make them smell things like candles and food and such while we’re out at places and they’d be like “oh I’m sure it smells good, but I CANT SMELL ANYTHING REMEMBER” and we’d laugh and I’d feel bad.
It took a long time to get used to but after so many slip ups and reminders that they can’t smell, it was ingrained in my memory by the end of year one that they truly can’t smell anything.
Now just recently, they told me that ACTUALLY they’ve been able to smell this whole time! FOR ALL FIVE YEARS IVE KNOWN THEM THEY’VE BEEN ABLE TO SMELL.
I said ”bro why tf would you lie about something like that?? How do you keep up THAT BIG of a lie for years??”
And they said it all started back when they had a crush on this girl and they were in a candle store and she was trying to get them to smell the candles to help her pick one.
Well they were super congested and couldn’t smell anything at all but instead of telling her they were congested they joked that they couldn’t smell anything at all ever since they were born???
And it was one of those jokes that turned into seeing how long they could fool her into thinking they couldn’t smell anything and it became so long and elaborate that they told their friends the same thing so if she ever asked about it we’d all reaffirm that they can’t smell, making the joke last even longer.
So recently they felt guilty and was like ”eh, five years is long enough.. I should tell her the truth” and so they did.
And then they told the rest of us and it was like a bomb went off. We were all this horrible mixture of shocked, in awe, and laughing at the sheer craziness of it.
As for me? Im MAD man. Listen I’m not mad that they lied/joked about their sense of smell for five years that’s actually frickin impressive.
What I’m mad about is how many times I silently FARTED around this person thinking they couldn’t smell anything when really THEY COULD SMELL IT THE WHOLE TIME. FIVE YEARS OF FARTS AND THEY NEVER SAID A SINGLE WORD ABOUT IT.
Anyways I dunno if I can’t ever face them again after that revelation…