I lost a bunch of weight and gained a lot of muscle and my girlfriend no longer finds me attractive.
So context me and my girlfriend (28/27) have been going out for 3 years (4 in November). At the time we met we were both kinda pudgy; not overweight just kinda plumpish I guess.
And we stayed that weight until last year due to a health scare (false alarm) and convincing from my mom I decided to lose some weight.
I started eating healthier, went on keto and still am, worked out, went to the gym and as of about 1 month ago I lost 22 kg and gained a ton of muscle. Exercising is now my stress relief. Went from pudgy to toned and muscle and I love the way I feel. I feel so much better and happier.
Now my girlfriend is still the same weight but that doesn’t matter to me. I still love her. That being said over the past 2-3 months she’s been distant sorta. She doesn’t like cuddling anymore (she was always a big cuddler) or she doesn’t touch or feel up my chest and stomach randomly; little things like that have disappeared.
I kinda thought maybe this is the natural progression of a long-term relationship until I confronted her about it and she said that ever since I lost weight and gained muscle she finds me less attractive.
This was a shock to me. I didn’t expect my weight loss to make me more attractive to her like (though I do feel more confident). I’ve heard of relationships changing because 1 partner gained a lot of weight but for it to happen because I lost a lot of weight really gave me a curve ball.
Our relationship is still strong (at least that’s what I want to believe) but I can feel the seeds of something growing and not in a good way. I don’t want to go back to how I was.
I feel great and happier and in no way am pushing her to lose weight nor do I don’t push my diet on her. Since I do the cooking I cook my food that I like and can eat and cook her food that she likes.