My ex-boyfriend cheated on me to realize if he still “loved me”
…and he realized in fact he did. He didn’t tell me, I read his messages with her best friend, he was so ashamed telling her now he was feeling guilty. I was devastated, I couldn’t keep the relationship.
I don’t know if I should understand him or not, but is a fact I can’t trust him anymore. I think there are other ways to realize if you still love someone, but going and sleeping with another isn’t one of them.
Netizens’ comments
- I think he’s manipulating you & that friend to cover his mess up. Walk away with your pride & a smile.
- The only thing to understand is your ex is a moron. Sorry you had to go through that
- Your boyfriend WANTED to sleep with her and is now feeding you some BS to make it seem like he did it for you. Sounds like a manipulative asshole to me.
- NO one has to cheat to realize their feelings. Nomal people talk about it.
- Suppose he really did love you and was concerned about his feelings towards you changing. In that case, he could have spoken to you about it, gone to therapy, asked to go on a vacation with you, asked for a break, etc… There are many ways he could have dealt with this in a respectful and loving manner while keeping you in the loop.
He consciously chose to do one of the worst things you can do to a partner: cheat. He knew full well what it would do to you if you ever found out, and still went ahead with it. This is not “trying to find out if he still loved you”, this is him knowingly doing something that could cause you immense pain. In that moment, you were the least of his worry. He showed you who he is, now believe him.
Pack up your shit and go! You certainly do not deserve this, nor does he deserve any more of your time and energy. This relationship is over. - well at least he found out he still loves you. he can take that with him into his future life.
- That’s not love it’s panic. He wanted to cheat. He probably enjoyed it. And. Bow after the high of the event, the panic and regret sets in. Doesn’t have anything to do with love. Keep him in the ex category