A guy shared a story on how he ended up stealing a friend’s crush away from him back in their schooling days and ended up marrying her.
It happened because he was always insecure and jealous and therefore he always hit on girls to feed his insecurities.
However in his defense, his friend already has a girlfriend and to be honest he did not really do anything wrong except breaking the bro code.
Here is the story
“Years back, I had this really close friend of mine, we will call him J. I met him at university. He was a foreign exchange student. One night, he introduced this girl, we will call her C, to our group. This girl was beautiful. Very shy, but beautiful.
I’m going to be honest. I was a jerk back then. I was very insecure, and to make myself feel better, I would find girls for fun. I feel terrible about it to this day. I tried doing the same with this girl. I just met her that night, but I was overly flirtatious with her. However, she knew I just wanted to do it with her, so she didn’t reciprocate.
My friend got really jealous. Later on, he told me to back off because he liked her. Being his friend, I felt obligated to step away. He knew her longer, and had feelings for her, whereas I just wanted some action from her.
One of our other friends told her what he said. He actually denied what he said. It turns out, he was dating a girl at home. The parents set it up because they are both from affluent families and wanted them to get engaged.
He cut off all contact with her for the rest of the semester. He went back to Europe, and I still kept in contact with him. He broke up with his girlfriend not too long after.
I felt responsible for what happened. Had it not been for me wanting to get some action, she wouldn’t have gotten led on. We still hung out, but I think she was embarrassed by what happened, so I didn’t see her as often.
C and I went to the same company. At that point, we hadn’t spoken for about four years. We still were social media friends, but that was it. I didn’t speak to J at all, but when he found out, he asked me to help him with C. I still felt really guilty about what happened years ago, so I tried to explain on his behalf.
I took C out for coffee one day, and we were catching up. I brought up J, and how he felt really bad for the situation, and he still liked C. C told me not to make excuses for him. She didn’t think she’d ever truly forgive him. He was the first boy to ever say that he liked her, and he just took it all back.
I told J this, and he said that he was too scared to face her. I didn’t know what to do at that point, but I figured maybe C and I could be friends. Not only was C beautiful, but smart and compassionate. I liked everything about her. Over time, I caught feelings. We got married three years ago.
J and I don’t talk anymore. He hates my guts. However, he refuses to marry anyone. He’s still waiting on C. His parents are furious with him, because he’s supposed to continue the family line, but he says that he’ll wait until I die or we divorce to marry her.”
Image source: Unsplash.com