A guy shared how he has been unsuccessful with girls and can’t seem to find a girlfriend, and he is giving up on the whole dating scene.
Here is the story:
Dating life is over for me
I will never be good enough for a girl. most of these girls already be having a boyfriend, are stuck on their ex, or are already seeing someone.
I went out, I approached girls at my retail job, in public, and they always say they have a boyfriend, or when they gave me their number’s they always led me on.
I’m nobody’s type, I hate my body type (I’m not fat), I have big thighs and calves. the outfit I wear dont even look right because of my body type and girls like skinny dudes.
I will always be someone’s last option or not even an option at all. I’m not good enough for anybody.
I don’t understand, my personality is funny and I always make people laugh, and people tell me I’m cool to talk to or vent to.
What’s wrong?
I think will never meet someone. I will always be someone’s last option, never someone’s priority.
I feel like that “focus on yourself” thing is bs. My friend has no car, still lives with his parents, working a crappy job at 27, and he still manages to get girls or a relationship.
My other friend is an introvert and he is shy to approach women in public, but he gets all types of girls on Instagram.
I’m starting to think it’s luck. I’m tired of hearing this pseudo advice. I’m done with dating altogether.
Editor’s note: Well with an attitude like that, I’m surprised you even have friends, much less a girlfriend.