I am in the 3rd year of a relationship with a girl from architecture.
Since the beginning of the relationship, we have gone dutch on most of our dates except special occasions, which she insisted on paying for everything.
But in the past few months, she has insisted to pay for every date we go on. this makes me rather uncomfortable as i feel as a man, i should be paying.
However, she said she has no problem paying, and even offered me a monthly pocket money to spend on myself.
I am not sure if we are in a healthy relationship as i feel she is wearing the pants and i am of a lesser man.
Thinking about this, I am crying while typing this, should I end the relationship?
Netizens’ comments
- Many guys would be trading places with you dude! Hahahaha… Jokes aside. If you feel bad, save those money aside and bring her to a decent meal, or get her a gift that she had been eyeing.
- She got any sisters to intro bro? Or I could take over … The allowance that is .. :)))
- U save up all the $ and buy her a limited edition Hermes for Valentine day lor
- Yeah end the relationship, she doesn’t deserve you. How much is the pocket money btw? Asking for a friend..
- Then reciprocate by getting her gifts or little things? Like snacks or a surprise visit to her after a class with a cuppa?
- Why should you be crying? No need to even shed tears on this trival matter.. If you are not feeling comfortable, share it out? Share with her your feelings, be trueful if u want this relationship to on. If she still insist to pay after talk then you have to decide whether you want to carry on or have other choice of this relationship.. Jia you..
- Well you are already a lesser man as you said that you are crying while typing. Accept the fact la!