[24f][35m][33f] My bf spent a large amount of money on his female friend while my car was repossessed.
I’ve been with my bf for 13 months. 6 months ago I lost my job. I was already struggling before that but it pushed me over the edge and I started to get further and further behind, to the point where my car has been repossessed.
I was getting by doing deliveries so this is obviously devastating.
While all of this was happening my bf spent over $1000 on a Christmas gift for his “best friend”.
I never expected him to pay my bills, but he saw me struggling and didn’t offer any help at all. He didn’t spend anything close to that on my gifts.
At first I didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but as things go one I am finding myself more and more resentful.
When I mentioned it to him he said its his qnd his “friends” thing to spend a lot on eachother, and that she spent a similar amount on him.