Husband withdrew $64000 from our savings without telling me and lost it all on the stock market
Please do not comment or message giving me legal or financial advice. I have retained a solicitor for the divorce and one who is expert in financial matters.
I will follow what they tell me. Most of the advice I’m getting here is incorrect and opposite what they have told me. Thank you.
Two months ago my husband withdrew $64000 from our savings to purchase stocks. When I saw the missing amount I thought there had been a theft or a banking error and I contacted the bank about it. It was my husband who withdrew the money.
He said that last year when we purchased a new washer and dryer he had $1000 left because he was able to find the set we wanted for a better price. He didn’t tell me about the lower price or add it back to our savings.
He said he had seen posts about the stock market here and decided to try. He ended up losing the entire $1000 but said it was like an itch and after fighting the urge for several months he borrowed $25000 and lost all of that.
He said he stopped purchasing stocks for a year and then in a moment of weakness took the $64000 from our savings and he thought he would earn everything back before I noticed.
We have a 16 year-old daughter and we were saving for when she went to university and for our retirement. Between the money from our savings and the borrowed money he lost $90000 on the stock market.
He’s promised me he will never purchase stocks again and has begged me not to leave him now. I don’t know what he was thinking because he doesn’t know a thing about the stock market.
I don’t know if I am more furious about the secret loan or the taking of our savings. He’s begged me not to leave him but I can’t even look at him.
We have been married for 19 years and I trusted him. In the back of my mind I cannot help but wonder if he would have taken more money if I did not catch him this time. I do not think I can forgive him for this to be honest.