A netizen shared how a close friend of hers hired a maid but refused to let her have a mobile phone or access to the internet and wifi.
Here is the story
Is it normal for helpers in singapore to not own a handphone and not have access to internet/wifi?
I have a close friend who recently gave birth and got a helper to help her with the baby. She told me that the helper is not allowed to have a mobile phone, nor is she allowed to have any access to internet and wifi.
I also used to intern for a family business who had a helper, and that helper also was not allowed to own a handphone.
Of course in the end she keeps a handphone in secret, cause come on.. who can survive without a phone in today’s day and age? How are they going to keep in touch with their family?
I wonder if this is normal, I personally find it ridiculous.
Netizens comments
- Actually every new helper will get a new sim card from MOM.
So that’s the indirect way of saying yes, they should have their own mobile phones.
But a number of employees felt that their helpers always get distracted with their phones and don’t do their work well – that is true in some cases.
Personally I don’t restrict my helper – I think she carries two phones at anytime – one is a local line and the other her country’s line. Where she goes, the phone goes.
I told her so long as the phones don’t interfere with her work, I don’t really care. It has been three years. Can’t say she’s fantastic but she does as she’s told and sometimes above my expectations.
- Report your close friend to MOM, this is not funny