My friend sent me a wedding invitation via postage. He knows where i stay so he just posted the invite to me without informing beforehand.
I had plans on that day so i texted him “congrats! But i have something on that day, will not be able to make it.”
He replied thanks and then after chit chatting for a while he ended the conversation with “so you will paynow me your angpow ya?” …….
Err, I am not very sure about this. Is it receive invitation already must give angpow? even when you are not attending??
Netizens’ comments
- If he is a traditional chinese thinking person, probably yes. However, I believe you can decide yourself about this.
- Don’t so bad la… Just payNow him the fee for the stamp. And decline his invitation. Remember to congrats him again
- It would be out of goodwill (up to me to decide) to give even I’m not attending, depends on the friendship level. BUT, having him to ask that is plain RUDE.
- Traditionally and conventionally, yes – you still have to give angpow. But you can give less as you are not going. That’s what I’m told la.
- You also never agree to go, just ignore the message lor. Who cares man. He’s not being respectful either.