Just a bit of a rant I guess.. My dad is based in Europe but travels around a lot, mainly to the Middle East and Asia.
That usually means travelling the ‘right way’ round the globe, even flying to Sydney from EU usually means via Singapore, Istanbul or Hong Kong. Point is, he flies a lot, transits a lot, no problems anywhere.
Today he flew to New Zealand via LA and says it was the biggest nightmare and/or joke ever. It’s just a technical stop in LA to refuel the plane, you get off, sit at the gate for half an hour and get on again. Technically nothing to do with the USA at all. But what does Homeland Security do? Transit visas, fingerprinting, passport stamping, long queues. If you’re flying economy, you actually have to exit the air-side, get your bags, and go check-in again. Don’t know how many of you travel a lot, but that’s just ridiculous.
It is pointless, creates massive hassle and annoyance, and probably costs tax-payers a fair bit of change.
Here are what netizens think:
- The TSA is a complete joke and a complete waste of taxpayers dollars. I was on a military charted airline with nothing but military on it but we still had to go through the TSA security dance routine. The TSA’s job is to stop terrorists. I doubt they will find one terrorist on a charted plane full of military people. After a year of fighting real terrorists, I doubt these TSA clowns would know what to do with a real terrorist other than shit in their pants.
- For the record, the TSA has stopped or arrested exactly ZERO terrorists yet cost the taxpayers hundred of billions.
- Bobian, it’s a third world country pretending to be a first world country.