Despise my brother
I really despise my brother. Everytime i see him, i will mutter ‘useless’ under my breath.
He doesnt hold a proper job despite graduating with a degree. He only picked up skills for odd jobs after my dad taught him.
He would rather spend his time at home and watching k-dramas and work only when needed. I cant wait to move out from the house when i am 35 years old and cant away from the negativity and sight of him.
He orders my mom around and scolds her when he doesnt get his way. He will also curse at me when he is angry. Im not talking about a 15 year old teen, this is a 34 year old acting like a teen. I think it all stems from poor parenting, but even then, shdnt we learn the ropes of life from others as well?
I somehow picked up social norms & proper etiquette from my colleagues and friends, even though i am not taught or exposed to it at home. Initially when my dad asked him to work with him doing odd jobs after many months of unemployment, he ranted that he rather go NS than to work.
I hvent spoken to him since my JC days, which is more than a decade.
Here are what netizens think:
- Yeah then once he become super successful and you will eat salt. Don’t look down on anyone especially if own siblings hurt even more.
- You can teach a stupid person but you cannot teach a lazy person
- Sometimes children turned out the way they are because of parents, the more they pamper the child, the more useless the child become
- I know of someone who still doesn’t work at 35. Just living off his mum and doing nothing everyday. You realise these people are usually the favoured child during childhood. They become spoilt and entitled, while siblings resent them.