Anyone else in their 30s like me?
No friends, no messages other than from colleagues for work, eat lunch alone, no motivation, no desire, no enjoyment in life, no ambition, no hope and nothing to look forward to in life?
Everyday come home from work just eat, shower, pull down pants and goon and edge while surfing forums and watching videos on your second monitor until 12am then lie down on bed and surf forums on your phone until you’re too tired and your phone starts dropping on your face? Then wake up and repeat it all over again and the same thing on the weekends?
Unable to “get into” things like other people, tried hobbies such as basketball, soccer, football, badminton, tennis, table tennis, squash, cooking, baking, drawing, painting, woodworking, reading, daytrading, cycling, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, surfing, snorkeling, traveling, eating, cafe hopping, bungee jumping, bowling, learning new languages, writing, acting, ice skating, model building, origami, photography, video editing, mahjong, yoga, calligraphy, meditation, singing, dancing, blogging, video games, card games, table top games, board games, jigsaw puzzles, boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts, darts, drinking, smoking, gymnastics, fencing, golf, breakdancing, rapping, train spotting, bus spotting, birdwatching, parkour, cricket, shopping, watching movies, watching dramas, programming, fishing, rollerblading and other stuff
but you never got into them or felt passionate about those kind of things and can’t understand how or why people feel so passionate about doing those kind of things?
Netizens’ comments
I can so relate to you. Consider this though – how we are as adults is by and large a product of our childhood – the way our caregivers treated us and the life skills we picked along the way.
I am impressed that you can literally list all the things that doesn’t work for you and honest enough to share that edging is how you cope.
They do help but in your state but they sound like unhealthy copying mechanisms.
Is there something that you might even consider as enjoyable apart from what you have written above? Maybe try to do it even 2 minutes a day. If you are keen to watch videos – I do suggest watching videos on atomic habits or those by Dr Andrew Huberman.
and as shared by a few people here – you may want to consider seeing a GP to get a referral for a psychiatric evaluation or maybe see a counselor, there are many free or low cost ones out there.
I wish you well and if possible, do let us know of your progress ok? Some comments might be discouraging but some of us here do care even though we are nameless strangers.
Because in many ways, we are all struggling too.