obsessed with money and felt something missing
28M here working in the pharma sector, and I regret taking a science major in university as I am stuck in a dead end job doing routine testing and to be honest.
I am quite jealous of ppl who are earning more than me, and as my company isn’t doing so well, I want to jump to somewhere that pays well, such as tech sector or civil service (because of the iron rice bowl and lots of bonus). I don’t mind the red tape and bureaucracy as long as I can get paid well.
I am obsessed with money and often spend my time looking at ways to increase my net worth, such as investments (I am covered with various short and long-term investments), and on track to hit $100k very soon. But I just feel inadequate and feels like there’s something missing in me.
I tried using dating apps but I can’t connect with the ladies in there as they aren’t up to my expectations and some of them are quite superficial,which I don’t want.
Here are what netizens think:
- “I am obsessed with money” & “some of them quite superficial”
- OP is only 28 yet believes in the concept of an iron rice bowl… OK, maybe in the civil service or public sector, since they are generally perceived to be more stable or a safe career path. But to imply that they are well-paid and have lots of bonuses… From where or whom did the OP get this idea from?! I do not think they are poorly paid, neither do I think most of them are that highly paid, as compared to the private sector.
- not up to your expectations but you call them superficial? if they were, they would try to dig for your “almost 100k” la. you must be a walking red flag.
- Dude, you’re 28, young enough to invest in reinventing yourself. Pick a profession that pays better and commit to retraining for that sector. Else just apply into the sector and try your luck. Obsessed with money is good, but over obsessed until you lose your humanity is not good. In the end, you can’t bring it with you… But meaningful relationships endure, you’re better off investing in that instead. Life is about choices, pick yours and live with your decisions…