I called my bf a cheater and he got really offended
I’m 20f and he’s 24m we only been together a short time of six months. He works a lot of the time I don’t get to see until the weekends most times. I only work part time and live at home so it’s really up to him when we see each other.
Last weekend we saw each other a short time and we hooked up. Something happened and we had a fight( he called me the wrong name) so things ended early I had to go home.
I found out later he went out with friends to drink at a bar. It made me mad but I don’t control him. Later that night early morning I got a text and it woke me up. It was from an unknown number and it’s basically said “I just f-ed (my bf’s name) after we drank. I hope you know he likes me better then you” I replied asking who is this and why are you lying? But I guess I was blocked and got no reply.
I spammed my bfs phone for hours but never heard back. Finally on Sunday he picked up after I called him one more time. I asked what happened what was that text what did he do. He said nothing he just drank with friends then passed out all night. He called me crazy for believing the text ( I screenshot it and sent it to him). I didn’t believe and called him a cheater! He got really mad I called him that.
He then said you’re only a cheater if it’s more than once, once is just a mistake. He said how dare you call me cheater I’m not like that! I asked him exactly what mistake he made but he wouldn’t tell me. I was so angry and hurt almost going to cry I was going to end it right there. But he told me he can’t be with some so naive about relationships with no trust in their partners who let a little drunken mistake affect it. He said if I calmed down and became more mature he might think about taking me back. I just hung up on him.
This guy who I really liked how could he be like that? Why’s he think I’m so naive. I just wish he never did that I saw a future together. In moment of weakness I considered us getting back. Maybe he’s changed and learnt something over all this. But I doubt it.