Where are men to find good women these days? A lot of so-called modern women come with a shopping list of attributes they expect from a man whilst hardly bringing anything to the table themselves.
I mean, just look at some of the posts and comments from women on this page, many of them with overinflated egos and sense of self-worth seem to think they deserve the best men without even putting in any effort or having the ideal qualities of a woman.
If a guy was to make a list of feminine attributes he expects in a potential partner, it would probably look something like this:
- No previous relations,
- cooks,
- cleans,
- looks after the kids,
- supports and honours her husband,
- doesn’t entertain other guys.
How many of you fit the bill? When we look at the state of women today, it is appalling to see the sheer number flirting around on dating apps, cheapening on onlyfans, shaking on tiktok, sleeping around, demanding that men do this and that for them.
It seems like good women have been lost in the great hoeflation of our times.
Netizens’ comments
- You’d probably enjoy the @whatever podcast. What you’re looking for is a ‘traditional girl’, which while rare do still exist. You’ll have to hold yourself to the equally high standards you expect from ‘good women’ to qualify for their attention though.
- i doubt women from the old times fit the bill either. they can cook, clean & look after the kids but support and honour their husbands? i don’t think so.
- There are good and bad consequences in whatever choices we make in life. Just follow the proper path with less regrets and be careful of the company you keep.
Be responsible for your own actions which are life changing affecting yourself, other people’s lives as well as society and country.