30.7 C
Saturday, September 14, 2024


How do you deal with people who drag the team down.


I understand no one is perfect. Before this person entered our team, we have little problems and most of it can be easily managed and resolved as everyone know each others strength and weaknesses and we respect each others work ethics. So end of the day, we can still get things done because we work as a team.

Like my strength is doing the presentation while another’s strength is sourcing materials, prepping and editing. We split up the work, support and feedback to each other. It’s been mostly smooth for the past few years. Some of us may not be the best of friends but we are certainly on good terms work wise.

Not long ago a new team mate joined us. We understand the need to adjust and welcomed her. Initially she seemed fine, but as time progress she starts to be difficult to work with. We thought it was because she was still trying to adjust but I slowly realised she seems overwhelmed easily or she’s mentally absent often. Every aspect of our project she claim she can’t cope.

She has cleared probation and we have also helped her for quite a while after that so I don’t understand what’s the issue that she’s having? I also wonder how she made it this far? When we split up the work, she would mess up her part so we have to delay and redo because of her.


She can’t even make the effort to ask and clarify before handing us nothing. Her presence has affected a few of my team mates as I know some are also losing their patience with her.

I didn’t want to be a bad leader and get rid of her right away so we’ve been giving her chances to pick up the pace. I also was new once so I try to be patient. But almost all of us have reminded her the same things over and over. We have repeated so many same instructions I can even hear it in my own head when I sleep so I don’t know why can’t she remember some of it? When we have conversations with her I don’t think she’s intimidated by anyone too. It’s like she’s in her own world. Talked to her quite often but it didn’t work, she is literally clueless to what’s going on most of the time.

I’m considering to report her to management as our performance and dynamics has been affected by her. She is also very negative and i didn’t want that energy to spread to others.

I know I’m not a very experienced leader so I’m still learning. Anyone experienced encountered this? What’s the best solution for my team and for her?

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